Our process is involved, but it’s worth it.

We are looking for the best, so our process looks for skills and abilities that will make great officers.

OACP Certificate of Results

The OACP Certificate of results is required to apply.


Online Application

Submit your application to our Service using our online applicant tracking system.


Virtual 20-metre Shuttle Run NEW!

This phase of the process is a physical test to determine your suitability for the police constable position. You will video record yourself performing the Leger 20-metre Shuttle Run (also known as the “beep test”) and must achieve a level 7.0 to pass.


Assessment and Background Questionnaires Session

The Local Focus Assessment, Pre-Background Questionnaire and Personal History Form are written short-answer style worksheets. All three items are completed in a single in-person session.


Interview #1

The Local Focus Interview is typically about 90 minutes. The interview will ask about your policing knowledge, your commitment to the community, your learning and how you help others. The interview is based on the developmental competencies we would like to see in applicants.


Interview #2

The Essential Competencies Interview typically can take up to three hours. It focuses on the Essential Competencies of a police officer. This style of interview is best done by answering using the STAR method.


In-person 20-metre Shuttle Run

This phase of the process is a physical test to confirm your suitability for the police constable position. You will complete the Leger 20-metre Shuttle Run supervised by one of our members at a police facility and must achieve a level 7.0 to pass.


Psychological Test

The Psychological Test and Interview determine your suitability to the world of policing. There is no way to study or prepare for this stage. Just get a good night's sleep and arrive on time.


Background Investigation

The Background Investigation is where we speak with past employers, friends, family, personal references, and anyone else who we think might be able to help.


Job Offer

Successful applicants will be offered conditional employment as a Police Constable, subject to passing a medical examination, and completion of the Ontario Police College three-month Basic Constable program.